Core Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Improving your quality of life!
Auto Accident - Low Back Pain - Neck Pain
Joint pain, Neuropathy?
Call us today at 636-317-6311
Chiropractor & Whole Body Health
in St. Peters, Missouri

Welcome Maureen, the newest member of our team at Core Chiropractic & Acupuncture! She has been providing Thai massage for over 10 years, and loves her job. She is happy providing the standard 60 minute massage session, but loves doing 30 minute intro sessions and 90 minute sessions. She specializes in Thai massage and is an instructor of the technique. Maureen schedules her own appointments currently on Thursday and Friday. Tuesday will be added as the needed increases.
Thai massages regular rates are listed below. Ask about specials!
Regular Massage Rates
$150 60 minute Thai massage
$200 90 minute Thai massage
$ 80 30 minute Thai massage
Contant Info & Scheduling