Core Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Improving your quality of life!
Auto Accident - Low Back Pain - Neck Pain
Joint pain, Neuropathy?
Call us today​ at 636-317-6311
Chiropractor & Whole Body Health
in St. Peters, Missouri
Improving your quality of life naturally
Chiropractic: Though the body as a whole has several distinctly separate components, it is the nervous system that controls the entire physical body with its components. It controls the organ systems as well as the musculoskeletal system.
Many things can cause interference with the proper function of the nervous system, and subsequently cause a variety of different medical issues or functional and structural problems. Chiropractic adjustments help keep the spine in line and remove subluxations while correcting and preventing excess stressors to the nervous system, which can reduce neck, low back, and joint pain.
Acupuncture: ​Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat medical conditions and for pain relief. Much like chiropractic, acupuncture seeks to "balance" things in the body ....... specifically, the meridians. These invisible energy channels can become either inhibited or excessive. In either case, it creates an imbalance within the body, and this imbalance interferes with the body's internal harmony, which can affect your health. Restoring harmony allows to body to self-regulate and heal.
As a Personal Injury Specialist, I will listen carefully to your concerns and walk you through your options. Whether your pain is a result of personal injury, is job-related, or due to an auto accident, Core Chiropractic & Acupuncture accepts auto accident related cases, Workman's Compensation, and major medical insurance.
Massage: Providing swedish massage, myofascial release, deep tissue massage, or hot stone therapy are a key adjunct to accomplishing optimal results. Sessions can be 60, 90 or 120 minutes in length. We offer membership prices to make your care more affordable.
COLD LASER: Our Class IV Cold Laser treats all types of pain. Arthritis, soft tissue injuries, TMJ, and post surgical. Though it's called "cold laser," you will feel the warmth of the photons when treated. The laser stimulates photobiomodulation (PBM) which stimulates cellular activity and accelerates healing. The treatment typically takes 4-7 minutes. Patients typically see results after 3-5 treatments. You often feel results immediately!
Visit Us
Core Chiropractic &
Dr. Lynn Vitale
500 Jungermann Rd
Suite 200
St Peters, MO 63376
Office: 636-317-6311
Cell: 314-520-3616
Fax: 636-317-6312
Available Treatments
Chiropractic Adjustments
Neuropathy treatment
Cold Laser Therapy